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Guide to Buying Authentic Memorabilia - Coast to Coast Collectibles Memorabilia

Guide to Buying Authentic Memorabilia

4 Main Points!

  1. Do Your Own Research

  2. ALWAYS Look for Authentication

  3. Deal with Reputable Companies

  4. Ask for More Details About the Collectible


#1. Do your own research

Really with any purchase and not just a collectible, doing your own research allows you to take comfort in your purchase. Nothing’s worse than making a decision that doesn’t work out based on someone else’s opinion. Start by looking for items that are simiCheechandChongsignedVinyllar to the one you’re looking at buying and ask yourself a few questions. Just at a glance does the signature look consistent with the others? Does the memorabilia price seem “too good to be true”? Who is the person or company I am buying from? These 3 questions can give you a floor of who exactly you are dealing with. 


#2. Always look for authentication



So what is authentication? Authentication is “the process or action of proving or showing something to be true, genuine, or valid.” - (Oxford Dictionary) In simpler terms, it’s basically provUsaTeamSoccerBalling something is real. There are many different types of authentication, but for memorabilia purchases you’re most likely dealing with product authentication. Memorabilia items hold a lot of monetary value as well as personal value. Making sure the authentication is present is definitely worth your time and money. Authentication can come in a couple forms. A couple knowledgeable methods are certificates of authenticity (COA), 3rd party authentication through companies like “Beckett Authentication”, or proof photos/documentation of when and where for that exact item. These 3 methods are some ideas of how you can look for authenticity with your memorabilia collectible.



#3. Deal with reputable companies


We all know that some memorabilia purchases can be quite expensive. Unfortunately we all love a great deal and sometimes that deal turns out to be terrible quality. Choosing to deal with companies that have a proven history of satisfied customers is an easy way to avoid fraudulent memorabilia. Not to mention the relief in having timely responses back to you. Companies should encourage GreenDayVinylAlbumquestions about each collectible they have. Be cautious about the memorabilia sellers avoiding contact, or hiding their identity. Some quick ways to identify if a company is reputable is reviews. Sites like “Google Business”, “Yelp”, “Amazon”, eBay”, etc are a great start to understanding their consumer feedback. Look for branding consistency. Are they only on eBay, or do they own their own website & social media pages? A company who takes their time to produce content digitally across multiple platform streams tend to care about their brand outlook. Reputable companies know the importance of 5 star reviews & positive consumer feedback.


#4. Ask for more details about the collectible


Memorabilia is the closest we can get to some of our favorite athletes and celebrities as fans. Understandably, each memorabilia collectible carries a story with, when, and where it was obtained. With that being said not every company will have this specific information of where and when, but it’s an added benefit when it is included. As someone purchasing a collectible, NEVER hesitate to ask theTampaBayBuccaneersClassicHelmet questions you may have. Details are important for any piece of memorabilia and so is having your mind at ease. At this point if you feel the company/seller of the memorabilia is viable and you feel confident in the piece of memorabilia, feel free to make the purchase. We wish all of you great luck in searching for the ideal memorabilia piece for your collection!

Dylan Eggers

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