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The Value & History of Sports Memorabilia - Coast to Coast Collectibles Memorabilia

The Value & History of Sports Memorabilia

What is Sports Memorabilia

The term sports memorabilia usually refers to a souvenir, memento, keepsake or token of remembrance that is directly correlated to a famous athlete, team, sporting event or personality. These memorabilia items are usually collected by fans that find sentimental and/ or monetary value of the item presented to them. There has yet to be a set standard regarding the specific number of items, type of the sport, or the era it existed to follow as guidelines. Instead these items can be identified as specific collectors items. Sports memorabilia doesn't host a specific start date to its existence, rather many moments in time that create their own value based on the player/event/date. Though it hosts no start date, many have stated you can see some of the earliest signs of sports memorabilia collection happening during the first decades of the 20th century, where fans would collect baseballs from the ballpark, waiting for their chance to have Babe Ruth sign them. The beauty of sports memorabilia is what may not be valuable to you can be a priceless memorabilia piece for someone else. 

Nowadays you see memorabilia collectors worldwide for a variety of sports, events, and people. The popularity of these collectibles have continued to increase since the start of memorabilia collecting as a hobby. Some of the most expensive memorabilia items sold are Babe Ruth's 1920 jersey for $4.4 million, James Naismith's 1891 Rule's of Basketball for $4.3 million, and Mark McGwire's 70th Home Run Ball for $3.0 million. These three memorabilia collectibles display how high the value of these items can go. The sports memorabilia market is labeled under the collectors industry which has a global value of $370 billion. According to some statistics released by Forbes, there are about 200 million people who are collectors today. Also 33% of these global collectors have purchased, owned, or previously owned at least one sports memorabilia collectible. According to an article by , the most popular autographed item in the sports memorabilia market involves jerseys, making up 24% of total sales. Autographed photographs hold a 23% market share. These items are followed by autographed helmets (8%), autographed baseballs (8%), and autographed footballs (5%) With a variety of sports items to choose from shows there is truly an item for everyone to add to their own collection. With technology allowing fans to get closer to their favorite athletes through social media platforms, podcast, and 24/7 coverage on the current events of their favorite teams. This will go hand in hand in creating more value in the sports memorabilia industry which we hope encourages collectors to look for specific quality for their memorabilia. 

What Memorabilia Qualities To Look For

We all have that one person, group, team, athlete, etc that drive us to buy a variety of collectible gear honoring them. Just like our variety of memorabilia needs, many things can create or add value for your memorabilia item. So you may ask yourself, what makes memorabilia valuable for me? Let's start with the basics of asserting value to these items. First you want to assure the items quality is pristine. Unless the item is game used or at a rarity where there are not many left of it's kind, you should ensure that the item is in pristine condition. If you're buying this piece of memorabilia online, there should be pictures of the same item you are buying that displays this same pristine quality. The second feature we feel is a must have for each memorabilia item purchase is your comfort level with that specific company/user you are buying from. Do your research!! With some memorabilia collectibles running high in cost, it is worth the extra time to research the seller. Don't hesitate to send them a message regarding any questions or concerns. No company or seller should shy away from a customers needs to feel more comfortable with a purchase. Now we want to discuss some Bonus Features to look out for as well. Though some of these features are a little more rare or in regards to COA's, companies have shifted to third party authenticators for their products. There is no difference or less value in using the third party authenticators, in fact some have add great value to your product because of their reputation. At Coast to Coast Collectibles we still use our own COA's because of our unique addition of proof photos. These COA's mentioned are our first feature we want you to look for. A certificate of authenticity is a signed document proving the authenticity of the work/item which contains details about the artwork/item for the collector's reference. This document needs to be on the inside of your box alongside your memorabilia item. These COA's are a great value for your purchased memorabilia to ensure the item is real. Unfortunately if you read our past blog we discussed the high levels of fraudulent activity that occurs in the memorabilia industry. We want you to establish the understanding of COA's for all future products so you have the comfort of the companies name standing behind the product/service you bought. Memorabilia can be expensive so taking the extra time to assure these qualities are there makes a big difference. Proof photos are another bonus feature we want to encourage you to pay attention to. These are pictures of the person/team signing your item. Proof photos are far more rare in the memorabilia industry. They are even less likely to be present with the majority of items purchased. We take pride at Coast to Coast Collectibles in pioneering the usage of proof photos in the memorabilia industry. Our proof photos allow you as the fan to dive deeper into the piece of memorabilia you purchased. With proof photos you are able to see the athlete/celebrity signing the item you bought. Collectors are a part of the great reason our sports leagues have grown as big and successful as they have. So why not continue to push the industry to fulfill the most unique desires of memorabilia collectors worldwide?




 August 31st 2018, Blog

Dylan Eggers

Buyer Beware! 4 Tips To Buy Sports Memorabilia

Over the years, collecting sports memorabilia has become a popular hobby amongst sports enthusiasts around the globe. With the advent of the Internet and sports fans spending a fortune on collecting sports memorabilia, the industry has really taken off over the last decade. There are now individual collectors and companies dedicated to offering memorabilia for different sports such as Baseball  Memorabilia For Sale, enabling the average fan to purchase lots of different pieces of memorabilia of their favorite sports. However, as positive as the online market has been, there are also a lot of fraudsters out there passing off fake autographs and pieces of memorabilia as the real thing and conning genuine collectors into parting with their money.

To avoid being conned, sports fans and collectors need to take into account a number of factors when buying sports memorabilia. Read on to find out four tips to buy sports memorabilia.

1. Reputable dealer- When it comes to buying sports memorabilia, make sure the company you are purchasing from has a good reputation. Furthermore, you should find out whether they have a phone number, address and an email address so you can get a hold of them in case you have any queries or issues.

2. Condition of the item- It goes without saying, that autographed sports pictures or autographed cards that are yellowing or are torn are not valuable. Besides, dealers and collectors also steer clear of damaged items, so the resale value of these items will be close to nothing. Consecutively, make sure the photo or card you buy doesn't have a crease in between since this will make the collectible worthless.

3. Price- One of the major factors that you need to take into account when buying sports memorabilia is the price. Furthermore, before buying the sports memorabilia, make sure you take the time to find out the market price of the product and then decide if the seller is asking the right price.

4. Buy with a credit card or PayPal- Last but certainly not the least is making sure you buy the sports memorabilia with a credit card or PayPal. Besides, this will allow you some recourse to get your money back in case the seller is unwilling to help you or as a last resort.

While these were some of the tips and tricks for buying sports memorabilia, there are many others, such as insurance, get everything in writing among many others. However, it is vital that you buy sports memorabilia from a reputable place. One of the recommended ones is Coast To Coast Collectibles. They provide authentic autographed sports memorabilia for sports fans all over the world and offer a wide array of NFL, golf, UFC/boxing and baseball memorabilia for sale at affordable rates.  For more information visit us at: https://coasttocoastcollectibles.com/



About Us - Authentic Sports Memorabilia & Entertainment Memorabilia - Coast to Coast Collectibles Memorabilia

About Us - Authentic Sports Memorabilia & Entertainment Memorabilia

What We Do?

Coast to Coast Collectibles is a sports memorabilia company that strives on distributing authentic memorabilia to sports fans all over the world. What started as a personal hobby over 30 years ago quickly turned into a passion that would grow into a business. We travel the country and world to obtain these unique collectibles, and always look for new memorabilia items to include on our site. As a collector myself, I take pride in delivering the best quality of memorabilia to collectors all over the world. As a company open to new features, we want to encourage each memorabilia collector to reach out to us via our email or any of our social media channels for products they'd like to see!


Why Coast to Coast? 

Coast to Coast Collectibles' 30 years of collecting has allowed us to separate from our competitors. Growing from our early years as a mom and pops e-commerce store, you will never have to worry about lacking customer service or deal with members of a team that lack the info and story behind each of our collectibles. Also, you don't have to worry about where the item came from or how it was obtained. We have personally collected each item while visiting camps, signings, events, and more. As you'll read in "our story", we wanted to leave our mark on the memorabilia industry by pioneering "proof photos". Proof photos are simply a photo of the celebrity, athlete, coach, or team signing one of our collectibles to bring each sports fan into the moment. We also feel that it is right to purchase from a company that offers this in order for you to know your piece of memorabilia is 100% authentic! 


Our Story

Coast to Coast Collectibles was founded over 15 years ago as an idea which later became a commitment to distribute authentic entertainment and sports memorabilia to collectors worldwide. As a company that started on the passion of collecting memorabilia, (30+ years) we began to notice the need for more memorabilia in the entertainment and sports world. This was the deciding factor to become the new norm for what it is like to purchase a piece of memorabilia. We started impacting the industry by offering “proof photos” with all of our items, along with a certificate of authenticity. The “proof photos” are simply pictures of the person, player, or team signing our memorabilia collectibles. We now see many memorabilia companies and individual autograph collectors start to implement proof photos. We also ensure premium quality shipping to safeguard the item you have purchased. We want to continue to leave our mark on the memorabilia industry. Our goal is to continue to distribute top quality, authentic autographs while impacting the industry for the better.


Now Accepting Cryptocurrency - Coast to Coast Collectibles Memorabilia

Now Accepting Cryptocurrency

At Coast to Coast Collectibles we believe in innovation and adapting to legitimate forms of payment methods. We would love to announce that we will now begin accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment. 
Dylan Eggers
Coast to Coast Collectibles: 2017 blog - Coast to Coast Collectibles Memorabilia

Coast to Coast Collectibles: 2017 blog

At Coast to Coast Collectibles, we are offering an early worldwide sale on our shop! From October 10th - December 31st every collectible on our shop will be 20% off using the discount code "2LOGO20". With every purchased collectible the costumer will receive a certificate of authentication and a proof photo of the player signing the exact item they will be receiving. This year has been an exciting one, switching from 3rd party platform selling to establishing our own website. We would like to give a big thanks to each and every person who has visited or purchased from our site. Please check out our social media pages to see more products posted on a daily basis. We take pride in providing each person with collectibles that bring the team or favorite player to their house. Thank you again for being apart of a community of sports enthusiast and we look forward to doing business with you!


Thank you very much,

Spencer Eggers

CEO Coast to Coast Collectibles
